InstaVolt Electric vehicle chargers at McDonald's restaurant

InstaVolt partners with McDonald’s to install nationwide EV chargers

Site Type

Food and Beverage

Number of charging stations



UK Wide

InstaVolt has been installing charging stations across the McDonald’s portfolio since 2021, to support customer demand and enhance the customer experience.

The Story:

As McDonald’s continues to play its part in a greener economy, its ambition is to create a nationwide charging network, hosting more EV charging points on their premises than any other company in the UK and Ireland.

With more than 1,400 restaurants situated across the UK alongside many of the major road networks as well as key cities, McDonald’s were aware that their locations provide the perfect opportunity to host EV chargers given their convenience for drivers. The project would increase accessibility of rapid charging for drivers across the UK by providing a network of convenient and recognisable locations beyond service stations, residential streets and workplaces.

The Solution:

Appetite for electric vehicles, a central part of the UK’s efforts to reach net-zero, continues to grow. McDonald’s engaged with InstaVolt to create a partnership which would take advantage of the scale of McDonald’s Restaurants and support their Plan for Change to lead positive change across their business and beyond while supporting InstaVolt’s mission to develop and grown EV charging infrastructure across the UK.

Traditionally situated along the UK’s busiest travel routes and with sufficient parking, McDonald’s believed it made sense to install chargers at its sites, supporting their own goals to host more EV charging points than any other company as well as contributing to the country’s ambitions to achieve net zero.

Known for their speed and convenience, McDonald’s knew that partnering with InstaVolt would provide just that for EV drivers. The charger speeds that InstaVolt offer are perfectly suited to the dwell time of McDonald’s restaurants, meaning that, in the time it takes for consumers to order and enjoy their favourite menu item, they’ve topped up before continuing their journey.

The Success:

To date, InstaVolt have installed 350 chargers across 180 sites in the UK, providing reliable, rapid charging to more than a million drivers. Across the portfolio, the partnership has saved 28,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions with over 100,000,000 emission free miles driven since the first charger installation in 2021.

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