12th August 2017
InstaVolt joins APEA for forecourt drive
InstaVolt joins APEA for forecourt drive.
InstaVolt has joined the APEA as it installs thousands of electric vehicle charging points at forecourts across the UK.
The company, which installs and maintains rapid chargers that can add hundreds of miles of range in just 20 minutes, is on a mission to install 3,000 units across the UK by 2020.
With plans to install the vast majority at forecourts it has joined the APEA, which provides a forum for debate and generating technical guidance. The APEA’s aims are the advancement of scientific, technical and legal knowledge required in the administration of the Petroleum & Explosives Acts and associated Environment legislation.
CEO Tim Payne said: “Around a third of households don’t have off-street parking, which means the electric vehicle industry needs to be focuses on public, rather than home charging. Forecourts will play a huge role in that, being perfectly placed to house rapid charging units where people can charge up quickly en route.
“For us, undertaking electric work in potentially explosive environments like these is a complex and specialist task. We’ll be working closely with the APEA to share best practice and make use of its resources.”
The APEA plans to provide bespoke training sessions with InstaVolt’s electrical engineers. InstaVolt will also share its experiences of installing electric charging points at petrol forecourts with the APEA so others within the industry can benefit.
The APEA represents members from all sides of the petroleum and explosives industry – from the government and regulators to oil companies and equipment suppliers.
Anton Martiniussen, APEA Chairman said: “We are delighted to welcome InstaVolt to the APEA. Electric vehicle charging is set to become increasingly important to forecourt operators over the coming years.”
InstaVolt installs rapid charging points at forecourts and other locations for free. The company installs and maintain the units so there’s no cost or hassle for the forecourt trader. It pays them rent for allowing InstaVolt to use the space, and instead makes its money from the sale of electricity.
Unlike many other EV charging firms, the units run by InstaVolt are available to use by all drivers on a pay as you go, no subscription basis. Drivers simply tap their contactless credit or debit card and go. The units, from US firm ChargePoint, can add hundreds of miles of range in just 20 minutes and 80 per cent charge in half an hour.
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